Aug 6, 2007
@7:27 PM
I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE!!!!HATE!!!!!!!!!! my eyebrows. I look super stupid with it. Why did I decided to do it...i don't know why. I SHOULDN'T have gone to do threading. Now i regret it big time. How the hell am i going to go to school now?? with this stupid looking eyebrow pasted on my face. Well, thanks to the super nice souls out there, who suggests that I should go to Yun Nam Haircare to regrow my eyebrows. Thanks a bunch.
Jul 21, 2007
@11:37 PM
Summer is on. Let's head down to the beach!
Hah. If only i could. I'm so fat! fat! fat!
I'm really obsessed with myself right now. There is always something wrong with my face, my body, my skin tone, basically everything about me la.
Well good thing is I haven't eaten anything today but mini karipaps and lots and lots of water. I even did sit-ups. My tummy is bump-free today! weee.. i'll just have to keep this going and jog a few times a week till.... i get a feminine'll be enough as long as there's no bump and it doesn't bloated out when i sit. My only challenge is to resist food when i go to school. That's basically what i did most of the time when i go to school. Well all that is going to change. I'll only eat when I have tennis. I need the energy, so it's a compulsory.
Labels: conquer belly-bump
Jul 14, 2007
@2:16 AM
movie date with zuraidah was so much fun. i can't remember when is the last time i met her. i guess its quite long la. anyways. MUST! MUST! watch harry potter and the order of the phoenix. it will definitely worth your bucks. so far, this is by far the best instalment of all the harry potter movies. it is even a little bit better than the book. the book is kinda draggy at the beginning. oh well, i stil prefer the book cos its much informative and clearer than the movies. seriously, if never watch any harry potter movies, let a lone read the book. you'll be a little lost.
btw, thanks for that oh-so-touching post of yours zuraidah. hehe. even if you sabo me, hmrph! but i love you anyways! *muacks*
Labels: hope too see u and tp lasagne soon
Jul 9, 2007
@11:08 PM
school starts today. as usual its a bore. i can't barely keep my eyes open when ah yok start talking. naturally, i slept throughout the 2hr lesson. and i was sitting at the front row. good thing she doesn't really care seriously...its like popping in sleeping pills.
extremely tired & hungry, i went straight home after booking harry potter premiere tix for both zuraidah and me. woohooo! mum told me that she cook this soupy stuff with bird's egg in it. additional to that dish, she also cooked lauk lemak siput or snails. wan says its a delicacy. but seriously, i've never eaten those in my entire life till now.
anyway, this is my convo with mum. and i find myself in a very stupid situation.
Lydia: helo, mama msk ape?
Mum: masak lauk sop telor burung ngn lauk lemak siput.
Lydia: siput? oh...mama da bukak shells nye eh?
Mum: hahaha.. banyak cantik muke kau, kau nk makan aku yang kene bukak shells die. kau sedotla ngok! ahahhahah.
Lydia: sedot?, yang mama masak tu siput rumput ke siput laut?
Mum: HAHAHAHAHHAHA! kepale hotak kau!...siput rumput...ahahahha....tu siput babi!!..mane le makan.... mestila aku masak siput laut!.....HAHAHAHAHA....
Lydia: hahahahha! eh? la...abe mama ckp siput...byk2 siput lydia tau siput tu ajela...
-end convo-
very, very stupid indeed. haha.
and i did get to taste those snails, which swell up my lips like anita sarawak. i'm allergic to seafood. especially those with shells. crabs effected me the most. i loved crabs but sadly i can't enjoy it that much.
aku kan menghilang, dalam pekat malam, lepas ku melayang..........( grrr! creeps me out with this phrase......reminds me know what i mean... i can't say it! scares the hell out of me still....)Labels: harry potter......wooohoooo
Jul 6, 2007
@9:10 PM
wah. i eat like a pig seh today. i had like half a loaf of
roti perancis.
erm..omputeh ckp roti perancis ape ehk? french loaf? long loaf? long french loaf? erm...haha...sounds so wrong..its like i'm describing a french man dick or something.....hahahahhaha.....ok..i sound like a horny bitch. let's move on.
where was i?
oh ya...then, i ate lots and lots and lots of durians. then i eat CHAPPATI *drool*. i ate 4 out of 6 of it. and i still feel like eating some. i think i need help uh. i can't seem to control my eating habits. i know there's these appetite pills. but is there any non-appetite pills. because i SERIOUSLY need it. i HATE my double chins.
tak hot seh. oh ya, and i ate 2 servings of rice. and i still don't feel quite full.
ade jin agaknye kt perot aku.Labels: damnnn sch starting
Jul 5, 2007
@5:01 PM
this some of the pictures taken on wan birthday. galore. only han, wan, fir, farah and me attend for the feast. we eventually met up with faizah, sadiq and shairah afterwards for karaok-ing session.

most of the time its the boys that sing.
malu sak gua nak nyanyi. but the girls did sing a bit la. then there's this song that farah, shairah and me sang- Torn by Natalie Imbruglia. its one of my favourite song but should never. I mean
NEVER be sang in front of your guy friends. especially if the chorus goes like this:
I'm all out of faith, this is how I feel
I'm cold and I am shamed
lying naked on the floor
illusion never changed
into something real
I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn
you're a little late
I'm already torn
hmmm...see what i mean? it sounds SO wrong. i sang that part very quietly. malu sak aku, fir and wan was like looking at each other like errr...asl dorang nyanyi lagu nie ..haiz *blush*-.-"
and btw la, i almost lost my handphone yesterday. i left it at the cinema theatre. careless kan? i think i was laughing so hard watching that korean movie that i don,t realize i dropped my phone. seriously la, i really thought that the cleaner would nick it sak. but phew! just my luck. but i wasn't very lucky when i lost my couple's ring a few months ago. i was basically crying sak. i really loved that ring.
okla. adios friends/strangers. feeling like eating and watching princess hours marathon.
p.s watch MY WIFE IS A GANGSTER 3, its a korean and hongkong movie collaboration. MUST WATCH! freaking funny sak.
Labels: weeee
@5:31 AM
finally, & at last i did something to my blog. maybe i should put pictures in this blog ehk?
tuesday was really fun. happy birthday to wan again! i do sure hope you really like the shirt that farah and i bought for you. *fingers crossed*
the seoul garden dine & karaoking with tekz, farah and faizah was great. its really been a long time.
by the way, happy birthday in advance to mama. whose turning 47 on this saturday, 07.07.07 (nice numbers). *kisskiss*
and of course, not forgetting to zuraidah whose turning 19 this sunday, 08.07.07. thanks for being my friend and putting up with me all these years. you are truly a good friend that's worth keeping.
Labels: too many july babies