Dec 20, 2006
@8:35 PM
This is I'm sorry, sung by the previous Singapore idol contestent Daphne Khoo.
She came in 4th.. i think..
Anyway love her cute voice.
I'll post the lyrics when i find it la.
It's the start of the holidays.
Kinda bored actually.
I had no plans.
Well, mostly my plans starts frm the 2nd wk of holiday onwards.
And..and..and.. I still haven't got back my princess hours dvd yet...
*sigh* -.-" *sigh*
Dec 13, 2006
@10:54 PM
2 more days to go.
Hang on.
Holidays! For 3 weeks.
I want to spend this holidays with my best friends.
Do a little bit of catching up.
I miss Cek zu, Radi, Fai, Siti, Farhanah and Syikin.
Especially Syikin, I didn't meet her for quite sometime.
And I do hope that Cek Zu don't think I'm ditching her cos I got a boyfriend now.
I don't cast away my friends. PERIOD.
For now, I'm REALLY busy.
I still have mol. bio test to get over with.
And I just finished my LSP phase test today.
Here's my list of importance:
(1) Family
(2) Studies
Friends(4) Boyfriend
Wan understands this.
My friends before him.
So it just hurts me whenever my friends think I have a guy now, I want to be with him all the time.
Oh, please la....................
I'm not clingy.
We're not a CLINGY couple.
Its never my choice not to hang out with my best mates.
Its our school's schedule that prevent us the luxury of spending time with each other.
Weekends is only 2 days.
Its saddening to think that all of us seems to fall apart.
Maybe I'm exaggerating la.
But I feel that way.
I don't know what's going on in your life.
You don't know what's going on in mine.
And I don't want to keep depending on my boyfriend for a source of comfort.
He doesn't mind me sharing.
But its not me to load my burden to someone else.
I need you guys.
Boyfriends are there for us.
But friends are ALWAYS there, way before they came along.
And comforted you after they left.
Forgive me for going MIA.
Forgive me if i ever hurt anyone of you in any way.
Forgive me for not being there when you needed someone the most.
Forgive me for whatever wrongdoings i have done to any of you.
Forgive me if i ever made any of you inferior.
I just want my bestfriends.
P.S in advance to Farah...Have a safe trip to KL. Hope you enjoy your holiday there. Friends back here going to miss ya....cheerios!
Dec 12, 2006
@11:41 AM
All i have is 15 minutes.
Till my GM pract starts.
Boring sia.
Listen to Ah Yok talk.......She always never ends her sentence. And the voice......argh...damn irritating sak.
I want to skip................
No.....................don't skip.......................think attendance.....................warning letter.
I don't know ITE could be this strict.
Back in secondary school days, I owe the school more than 24 hours of detention.
Never repay them.
I always ALMOST slip away from staying back after school.
Haiz....just thinking about it just makes me miss the old times.
My friends. Teachers. The too GREENERY environment.
And I miss Fridays.
When Fai and me would look at cute guys after their friday prayers....tehehehe.ios
Miss all those times.
But heck. I love my life now. Its different. But its better.
Just laughing and hanging with nenepoms and trafficlights.
It just makes a long day at school a more enjoyable one.
If i had a rough day, at least there's Wan to cheer me up.
Ok! 15 mins is up....the booking for this com is almost up as well.
Dec 6, 2006
@10:39 PM
Sorry la for missing in action for quite some time.
Been busy. Been extremely lazy. Been really, really tired.
Yesterday, gym session with the trafficlights and nenepoms were very fulfilling sak.
Eventhough some parts of my body is aching now, it is still a worth of my time.
I'll get used to it soon......... case you guys don't know...but i guess you know la...who doesn't....unless you've been living in a cave all this while....This is torn by natalie imbruglia. Its an oldie la. I just love the acoustic guitar in this song sak. But sad to say the lyrics doesn't relate to me la. Maybe it somehow relate to me before la (not the chorus). But i was torn and someone stitched me up.
By the way, after gym, i went out with wan. We were heading towards jurong point to get a bite ar. Then, in the banquet right....while looking for a seat....i saw my parents....eating... DAMN! i quickly let go of wan's hand....LUCKY my parents didn't see me.
We made our way out of jurong point and head towards bukit batok to eat instead.
Then, on the way back home, near the trafficlight ther.....i saw my parents again. They were beside me and the don't see me and wan. Cool huh?.....Bt its really nerve racking ar.... 
Actually i got more to say.....but i forgot.......and i want to upload pics at this blog....but com starts to lag again....haiz....shitty com..And and and...i'm dozing of halfway thru typing......
Penat dok...Ade phase test besok sak....HAIYO! Maybe...maybe ar i'll study.....but it's likely i'm going to sleep.
Nites everyone!