Jan 22, 2007
@3:49 AM
Donated blood with my fellow Tekz yesterday.
But not complete cos Fir can't be there as he is working.
It's been awhile since i went out with them.
And i REALLY missed Siti.

So glad to finally see her after such a long time being apart.
My favourite eating partner who keeps on saying she wants to diet but keep on eating.
Complain about her weight and how fat she is but does little to loosen up that bagage.
Her constant whining chuckles me up as i see he gobble up yet another chocolate with such delight. Well, we all live once. Let's enjoy the delicacies that the world have to offer while we still can.

Siti with an aunty at HSA bloodbank. All i'm sure of is she is one of the people who help to transfuse blood. We were one of the last people to leave the place because we're late. We came at 145pm and its supposed to closed by 2pm. All thanks to me la. I think i was late for more than an hour. Sorry!

Be a donor. Save lives. It might not be much. But it's comforting to know that with your blood, a life can be saved. Life is precious.

This is us without Fir at Changi Airport, just chilling out and have a great laugh.

As much as i love him as my boyfriend. I still misses him as my friend. Eventhough we are still friends in some ways. But being in the relationship somehow felt different. Maybe because there's a commitment issue involved now compared to before. But it's all good. Let's take it a step at a time.

Boys will always be boys. Sometimes they don't fail to humiliate you in public. But this is cool stunt. I don't bet Wan can do the railing thing. HAHA. Sorry, u, no hard feelings.
And sorry for not updating my blog for awhile.
Been feeling sleepy and tired la.
P.S. happy mugging for the lsp phase test!
Jan 2, 2007
@9:03 PM
Wow...time really travels fast...
And overall 2006 was a good year for me.
A lot of ups and downs.
A lot of breakups and make ups for some people.
But let's put the memories of 2006 behind and start anew in this new year.
Speaking of 2006.........
Its great that i end it off by meeting my besties.....its been quite sometime since Fanah, Zu and me hung out together. Mostly busy with our own lives....

On the way to Hidayah's birthday party.....And this pic is taken at the bus stop near my house. My apologies to Su who waited for me like 45 mins i think.Haha. Eventhough the bus stop is a short distance from my home....Sorry!

And ya...Happy 18th birthday dayah! (haha...lame giler da celebrate baru aku nk wish die)... with the 4 nenepoms.

Celebrate my anniversary on the 26th. Which i inconveniently forgot at first. And the day we went out to so-called celebrate it, were raining heavily and i haven't fully recovered from a cold.
It did get worst though after that. Haiz....don't really like anniversaries that much... its like counting how long a couple can last until actually leading up to a breakup. Good thing Wan feels the same...we won't be celebrating anniversaries until we reached a year. If we reach..no hopes up.
That pretty much summarize my whole week of 2006 before the new yr....
And the new year is here....I'm going to the chalet with my classmates tomorrow!! woohooo!!...
Put the excitement aside...I haven't even packed yet...
But first, my 2007 resolution.....
(1) Err.......Be punctual???( is that even possible?)
(2) Less spendthrift at school and save up to spend on clothes instead.
(3) Lose that double chin
(4) Banyakkan beramal dan kurangkan mengutuk
(5) Less eating??? No way.
(6) Take up cooking and sewing lesson from mom
(7) Take up guitar
(8) Don't bully my boyfriend that often....but still bully
(9) Don't bully Zuraidah??? Nah...where's the fun?
(10) Not so blur and slow?
Hmmm.. I think I can get most of these things done... The punctual part...not so sure. Its a habit since young and its really hard to break it. Anyway, to all of you, have a great year ahead and to my muslim friends Selamat Hari Raya Aildiladha. Mak awak masak ape? Kitenye nasi ambeng...mmmmmmmm.......mmmm....yummy......