Feb 21, 2007
@1:14 AM
Finally..I just finished that stupid report.
I don't even know the crap i wrote down.
Anyway, Fara, thanks for being a listening ear. I appreciate it a lot.
And Ida, i'm not angry at you.
Why are you always assuming i am?
I hate confrontations. Even if i had any feelings of anger or discomfort to any of you, you won't hear it from me babe.
I prefer escaping from it.
Maybe the problems won't be solved. But its better than confronting and losing a friend.
Syikin, I'm glad you're upfront with me with your problems. And I'm more than happy to wake you up from the dilemma you're having. Give it time ok? He's just there, you just don't notice him. Its understandable that you overlook it. But don't try to held on to something that has no possibilities.
To another friend of mine, I know its hurting. And sometimes you don't know the fault of your doings that she left you. Be patient. Don't give up on her. Give her time. She still love you.
Feb 11, 2007
@8:21 PM
These few days i felt lost.
Sometimes things that i thought will be ok over time, seems to fall apart day by day.
Sometimes i felt i'm drifted away.
And that people whom i thought i knew, wasn't what they seemed to be.
Sometimes I felt that they are putting a fucking fake face before me.
I felt i can't connect at all. And just fell into silence.
Why must it come to this?
Sometimes i felt the cold shoulder.
I had no say in this.
I want to get over and done with.
Time just drag it even longer.
Sometimes silence is sweet.
I'll shut up and go home.
That's a routine.
I miss u's is such a torture.
I want it to go back the way it was.